Blaine, we must learn how to do this!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -

Hello, bloggers! This week is my favorite week ever so far. Sunday night, Blaine and I went to Nashville for the night. It was so nice to get away, even for just one day. After a Memorial Day filled with driving, rain, and TrueBlood, we came back to work today. I gave my students their semester exams last week, so this week I am basically a highly-paid babysitter. I am really going to miss my classes from this semester. I have a feeling next Fall might not be so pretty...
Thursday is our last working day, and then we leave for the beach on Saturday! We are staying the whole week; I'm officially taking bets on how many days it takes me to get a major sunburn. Any takers?
For boredom:
RULES - Think of five categories, and list five answers for each. Then, tag five people to fill it out after you.
ONE - Five jobs I would like if I weren't a teacher:
1. interior decorator
2. event planner
3. congresswoman
4. cute stuff store owner
5. personal shopper
TWO - Five long-term goals
1. learn how to plant flowers and not kill them within the month
2. speak fluent Spanish
3. save enough money for me to relax
4. send Blaine back to school
5. start my own business
THREE - Five things that make my blood pressure rise
1. when people talk down to me
2. smart-mouthed students
3. televised golf
4. when I clean up Piper's litter box and she immediately goes and does the riverdance in it
5. PDA
FOUR - Five of my happy places
1. Mom and Dad's house
2. the river walk
3. Egan's
4. Barnes and Noble
5. the beach
FIVE - (living) famous people I wish I knew
1. the Boss
2. Paul Rudd
3. Toni Morrison
4. Maxine Waters
5. David Byrne
I tag:
1. Hayley
2. Jessica
3. Lindsey
4. Kristen
5. anyone who wants to do it!

Hello, bloggers! This week is my favorite week ever so far. Sunday night, Blaine and I went to Nashville for the night. It was so nice to get away, even for just one day. After a Memorial Day filled with driving, rain, and TrueBlood, we came back to work today. I gave my students their semester exams last week, so this week I am basically a highly-paid babysitter. I am really going to miss my classes from this semester. I have a feeling next Fall might not be so pretty...
Thursday is our last working day, and then we leave for the beach on Saturday! We are staying the whole week; I'm officially taking bets on how many days it takes me to get a major sunburn. Any takers?
For boredom:
RULES - Think of five categories, and list five answers for each. Then, tag five people to fill it out after you.
ONE - Five jobs I would like if I weren't a teacher:
1. interior decorator
2. event planner
3. congresswoman
4. cute stuff store owner
5. personal shopper
TWO - Five long-term goals
1. learn how to plant flowers and not kill them within the month
2. speak fluent Spanish
3. save enough money for me to relax
4. send Blaine back to school
5. start my own business
THREE - Five things that make my blood pressure rise
1. when people talk down to me
2. smart-mouthed students
3. televised golf
4. when I clean up Piper's litter box and she immediately goes and does the riverdance in it
5. PDA
FOUR - Five of my happy places
1. Mom and Dad's house
2. the river walk
3. Egan's
4. Barnes and Noble
5. the beach
FIVE - (living) famous people I wish I knew
1. the Boss
2. Paul Rudd
3. Toni Morrison
4. Maxine Waters
5. David Byrne
I tag:
1. Hayley
2. Jessica
3. Lindsey
4. Kristen
5. anyone who wants to do it!
Thursday, May 21, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
My last regular day of school is tomorrow! Here are my sweet babies from this semester:

I didn't take a picture of the seniors, because they're hateful. It's going to be a good summer!

I didn't take a picture of the seniors, because they're hateful. It's going to be a good summer!
Monday, May 11, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
-stoneage computer at school officially crashed
-said computer crash forced me to get some organizational work done
-first day without the seniors... sadder than I expected
-awkward departmental meeting
-caught up on grading - woo!
-finished lesson plans through the rest of the semester - woo!

- Wednesday - Happy Birthday JD! dinner in b'ham
- Thursday - GRADUATION DAY! my first experience seeing students that I've taught get their diplomas
- Friday - mental health day
- this weekend - going home to see my parents (secret cannot wait!)
- May 25 - Memorial Day Holiday
- May 26-27 - student exam days
- May 28 - last working day! first full year in the books!

-slacked on my diet...again
-didn't go to the gym...again
-husband pinched backfat... again. (see first two items for explanation)
-sort of messed up my grade posting for seniors
-wondering if we definitely have a job next year (we'll find out soon enough!)
-money (of course)
-no unexpected failures in my class
-next to last Monday morning at school today
-finishing out the year teaching exclusively my favorite short stories
-sold my first paintings recently!
-two other paintings lined up
-love my family, job, friends, husband, cat
-stoneage computer at school officially crashed
-said computer crash forced me to get some organizational work done
-first day without the seniors... sadder than I expected
-awkward departmental meeting
-caught up on grading - woo!
-finished lesson plans through the rest of the semester - woo!

- Wednesday - Happy Birthday JD! dinner in b'ham
- Thursday - GRADUATION DAY! my first experience seeing students that I've taught get their diplomas
- Friday - mental health day
- this weekend - going home to see my parents (secret cannot wait!)
- May 25 - Memorial Day Holiday
- May 26-27 - student exam days
- May 28 - last working day! first full year in the books!

-slacked on my diet...again
-didn't go to the gym...again
-husband pinched backfat... again. (see first two items for explanation)
-sort of messed up my grade posting for seniors
-wondering if we definitely have a job next year (we'll find out soon enough!)
-money (of course)
-no unexpected failures in my class
-next to last Monday morning at school today
-finishing out the year teaching exclusively my favorite short stories
-sold my first paintings recently!
-two other paintings lined up
-love my family, job, friends, husband, cat

Monday, May 11, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
This has been a sad weekend/start of the week for me. Lindsey graduated, packed up her stuff, and left for the metropolis of Brewton, AL. Don't get me wrong; I am beyond proud of her for getting a great job and having a place of her own. I will just miss her!
Here is to Lindsey:

People moving away is hard for me to get used to. I still miss many of my girlfriends. Though I know we will always be friends, I would like to have a teleport machine on call to compensate for the distance.
To my girlfriends:

Here is to Lindsey:

People moving away is hard for me to get used to. I still miss many of my girlfriends. Though I know we will always be friends, I would like to have a teleport machine on call to compensate for the distance.
To my girlfriends:

Thursday, May 07, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
Monday, May 04, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
I found this video over at The Daily Obsessional. This is a prime example of a time when lying is hilarious if you have a certain point of view.
Sunday, May 03, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
Last night, B and I went to see Wolverine. I love superhero movies, and I especially love Hugh Jackman shirtless (see below).

Afterwards, we decided to go to Mellow Mushroom for the Dexateens' CD release show. I always love to hear them play. At one point, they covered "Gloria" by The Doors (G-L-O-R-I-A). I was thinking about that this morning, because I thought it was an odd thing for them to cover. (NOTE: I think I thought it was weird because Matt Patton sang it. It seemed that they morphed into a tame Model Citizen for just a minute.)
ANYWAY. I've decided that the Dexateens have a penchant for songs featuring girl names. They covered "Gloria" last night, and they have "Madelene," "Mary," "Nadine," and "Anna Lee" of their own. Now if they would only cover "Allison" by Elvis Costello, the world might explode. (ANOTHER NOTE: I actually love "Allison" by Elvis Costello, "Gloria," "Madelene," "Mary," "Nadine," and "Anna Lee." Maybe I also have a penchant for songs featuring girl names.)
I would also like to state for the record that they worked "Dixie Chicken" into the middle of "Maker's Mound." That is talent (and humor).

When we were leaving, I was closing out my tab and thisfrat daddy guy stumbled walked up beside me. There was a purse (not mine) on the bar in front of me, and he reached over for it. He started to look around, not in a creepy "I'm about to steal this purse" way but more in a "I know whose this is and I'm looking for her" way. I didn't think anything about it until he left and an unknown girl walks up and yells, "WHERE IS MY PURSE?" Of course, that guy had stolen it. I felt like the biggest jerk. I saw him do it, but I didn't think anything about it. I honestly thought he was looking for its owner. Of course, by the time we went looking for him, he had already gone. GRR
UPDATE: I took Piper to the vet. It turns out that it was not a herpes outbreak; it was just allergies. She got a (very expensive) allergy shot. We also found out she has gingivitis.

Afterwards, we decided to go to Mellow Mushroom for the Dexateens' CD release show. I always love to hear them play. At one point, they covered "Gloria" by The Doors (G-L-O-R-I-A). I was thinking about that this morning, because I thought it was an odd thing for them to cover. (NOTE: I think I thought it was weird because Matt Patton sang it. It seemed that they morphed into a tame Model Citizen for just a minute.)
ANYWAY. I've decided that the Dexateens have a penchant for songs featuring girl names. They covered "Gloria" last night, and they have "Madelene," "Mary," "Nadine," and "Anna Lee" of their own. Now if they would only cover "Allison" by Elvis Costello, the world might explode. (ANOTHER NOTE: I actually love "Allison" by Elvis Costello, "Gloria," "Madelene," "Mary," "Nadine," and "Anna Lee." Maybe I also have a penchant for songs featuring girl names.)
I would also like to state for the record that they worked "Dixie Chicken" into the middle of "Maker's Mound." That is talent (and humor).

When we were leaving, I was closing out my tab and this
UPDATE: I took Piper to the vet. It turns out that it was not a herpes outbreak; it was just allergies. She got a (very expensive) allergy shot. We also found out she has gingivitis.
- alcohol (1)
- allison (1)
- ambition (1)
- Arab (1)
- balance (1)
- bars (2)
- beach (1)
- biggie (1)
- birthday (1)
- blaine (3)
- blog (3)
- books (5)
- Bush (1)
- cavity (1)
- corporations (1)
- crafts (4)
- darts (1)
- deficit (1)
- dentist (1)
- dexateens (1)
- discontent (1)
- encouragement (1)
- exercise (1)
- family (5)
- Friday (1)
- friends (1)
- furniture (1)
- grammar (1)
- h1n1 (1)
- haiku (1)
- health (2)
- healthcare (1)
- HPV (1)
- humor (2)
- links (1)
- lists (2)
- lookers (1)
- love (1)
- makeup (1)
- mantras (1)
- McDonald's (1)
- memories (1)
- mental health day (1)
- michael (1)
- mom (3)
- money (1)
- movies (1)
- names (1)
- Obama (1)
- painting (1)
- Piper (4)
- pizza (1)
- plans (1)
- poetry (1)
- puffy (1)
- race (1)
- Romeo and Juliet (1)
- school (26)
- sister (2)
- snoop (1)
- stress (1)
- stuff I like (4)
- summer (3)
- sunday (1)
- sushi (1)
- tag (1)
- television (1)
- The Crucible (1)
- Time (1)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (1)
- tolerance (1)
- travel (1)
- vacation (1)
- valentine (2)
- videos (1)
- war (1)
- weekend (1)
- wolverine (1)
- words (1)
- yes men (1)