Monday, December 21, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
As December unfolded, I promised myself that I wouldn’t make a ton of plans over the holiday break. I SWORE I would leave myself some time to just be lazy.
...YEAH RIGHT! Here is my schedule for the next few days/weeks:
TUESDAY: Working during the day and then going to visit Jessica at night. I’m going to pretend we’re roommates again! This is also the two year anniversary of when Baby Blaine asked me to marry him. NOM NOM NOM

WEDNESDAY: It’s Ryan Akers’s party! Literally. The Ladykiller himself is throwing a holiday shindig complete with karaoke. This is sure to be one of my favorite Christmas festivities.
THURSDAY: Christmas Eve Gift! On Thursday, we’re headed to Arabia for Christmas on my Dad’s side. There’s also a promise of my Grandmother’s beef stew. Can’t wait!

FRIDAY: Christmas morning events include opening presents with immediate family, going to my Grandmother’s on my Mom’s side for extended dirty (dirty, dirty) santa games and breakfast, and then trekking back to T-town. [Brief rest on Christmas afternoon/night]

SATURDAY: Day-after-Christmas blues will be shattered by a rawk show by Vulture Whale at the Bottletree. WOOP

...YEAH RIGHT! Here is my schedule for the next few days/weeks:
TUESDAY: Working during the day and then going to visit Jessica at night. I’m going to pretend we’re roommates again! This is also the two year anniversary of when Baby Blaine asked me to marry him. NOM NOM NOM

WEDNESDAY: It’s Ryan Akers’s party! Literally. The Ladykiller himself is throwing a holiday shindig complete with karaoke. This is sure to be one of my favorite Christmas festivities.
THURSDAY: Christmas Eve Gift! On Thursday, we’re headed to Arabia for Christmas on my Dad’s side. There’s also a promise of my Grandmother’s beef stew. Can’t wait!

FRIDAY: Christmas morning events include opening presents with immediate family, going to my Grandmother’s on my Mom’s side for extended dirty (dirty, dirty) santa games and breakfast, and then trekking back to T-town. [Brief rest on Christmas afternoon/night]

SATURDAY: Day-after-Christmas blues will be shattered by a rawk show by Vulture Whale at the Bottletree. WOOP

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 -
Posted by Kelly -
There is hardly anyone there. Apparently, everyone else in the world has Christmas festivities to attend besides me (not that I’m complaining… although I would like to see some Christmas lights!). No one is there to stare at me, change the television to fishing while I’m on the elliptical, or look better than me in their workout gear. An empty gym a happy Kelly makes.

(Stay tuned for “Going to the gym during the month of January” to appear on the list of things I hate next month.)
2. Teaching The Odyssey to my freshmen
They LOVE it. This unit went over millions of times better than I thought. I was afraid they’d be intimidated by the language at first glance; However, they faced it head on and liked it so much they wanted to keep reading even when the bell rang. Lessons like that remind me why I wanted to teach in the first place.
P.S. If I ever have another pet/child, I am going with Calypso for a girl and Polyphemus for a boy.
3, 4, and 5. Mark Ingram
Not only is this guy awesome at football and humble, he gave the most thankful acceptance speech I’ve ever heard. HE THANKED HIS TEACHERS, PEOPLE. What a sweet baby.

1. FedEx
If you’re not going to leave my package, that is ok. Just don’t put a note on my door saying you left it when you didn’t. Several phone calls later, you allegedly still have my package, and I’m allegedly angry.
2, 3, and 4. When a student says to me (after 17 weeks in school and many, many grammar lessons), “Hey… what do you mean pronoun? Is that like an adjective?” Count to ten. Walk away.

3. Wintertime

1. Going to the gym during the month of DecemberThere is hardly anyone there. Apparently, everyone else in the world has Christmas festivities to attend besides me (not that I’m complaining… although I would like to see some Christmas lights!). No one is there to stare at me, change the television to fishing while I’m on the elliptical, or look better than me in their workout gear. An empty gym a happy Kelly makes.

(Stay tuned for “Going to the gym during the month of January” to appear on the list of things I hate next month.)
2. Teaching The Odyssey to my freshmen
They LOVE it. This unit went over millions of times better than I thought. I was afraid they’d be intimidated by the language at first glance; However, they faced it head on and liked it so much they wanted to keep reading even when the bell rang. Lessons like that remind me why I wanted to teach in the first place.

3, 4, and 5. Mark Ingram
Not only is this guy awesome at football and humble, he gave the most thankful acceptance speech I’ve ever heard. HE THANKED HIS TEACHERS, PEOPLE. What a sweet baby.

1. FedEx
If you’re not going to leave my package, that is ok. Just don’t put a note on my door saying you left it when you didn’t. Several phone calls later, you allegedly still have my package, and I’m allegedly angry.
2, 3, and 4. When a student says to me (after 17 weeks in school and many, many grammar lessons), “Hey… what do you mean pronoun? Is that like an adjective?” Count to ten. Walk away.

3. Wintertime

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