Life Updates
- We had a visit from the State Department this week at work, because we haven't made
AYP in a few years. They wanted to see what we were doing and let us know how we could improve. Some of the more veteran teachers were cool and calm, but for some reason, I was flipping out (and not in a fun way with
Jeff Lewis beside me).
The SDE people were conducting walk through observations, teacher interviews, and student interviews with a few select staff members. GUESS WHO HAS TWO THUMBS AND GOT PICKED FOR BOTH THE WALK THROUGH AND THE INTERVIEW? (Yes, this girl.)It turned out to be not as bad as I was thinking, because the walk through observer ended up being only one assistant principal at the school who I already knew. I was thinking it was going to be a team of strangers scrutinizing what I was doing. Also, the interview ended up being a group of teachers and very laid-back. After they were both over, I was exhausted from having been so anxious, but relieved that it was over.

-I have been slacking on my diet/workout schedule. What is new?! It's not like I've gained a ton of weight, but I just feel gross. I need a workout buddy! This is my workout plan for next week:
Monday: Body Pump
Tuesday: Step Aerobics
Wednesday: Bowling (I'm not mentioning the beer that accompanies this.)
Thursday: Zumba or Step Aerobics (depending on how sassy I feel)
Friday: Hopefully it will be warm and sunny again and I can do something outside.

-I just finished reading The Hunger Games. I am officially obsessed. Stay tuned for my review!

-One of my girlfriends, Jessica, told me this week that she has decided to get married in the state instead of eloping. I know it is her wedding and she can do what she wants blahblahblah but I am SO EXCITED SHE IS HAVING IT HERE! I am looking forward to it so much. They are both so special, and I can't wait to see them have their special day. (Jessica, if you are reading this, I might be more excited than you. Step up your excitement meter!)

-When the weather gets warmer, I'm doing a giant overhaul of my closet, selling all my clothes to consignment shops/donating the leftovers, and going shopping for age appropriate, fun, unique clothes. I am thinking of starting at Kohl's. They have some supercute, affordable stuff there now. See....?

in my Jerry McGuire voice): Who's coming with me?