"When the English tongue we speak,
Why is break not rhymed with freak ?
Will you tell me why it's true
We say sew but likewise few ?
And the maker of verse
Cannot cap his horse with worse ?
Beard sounds not the same as heard.
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow, but low is low;
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose and dose and lose,
And of goose and yet of choose.
Think of comb and tomb and bomb.
Doll and roll, and home and some,
And since pay is rhymed with say,
Why not paid with said, I pray ?
We have blood and food and good;
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone, and lone ?
Is there any reason known ?
And, in short, it seems to be
Sounds and letters disagree."
-M. Needleman

They say (I read in Woman’s Day) that any literature mirrors what is going on in society at the time in which it was written. True to some degree, but it is easy to get fiction and reality confused. In written word, if a narrator gets caught in a lie one time by the reader, that person is considered unreliable from that point forward. In reality, life is a series of transgressions, apologies (spoken or sensed), and homecomings. Any real hope for change in life seems to hinge on your ability to forgive (others or yourself, whatever the case may be). But, if we are repeating the same patterns as life goes on, are we really changing?


Yes, I know these are trendy lately. I just can't help but love them! They have this effortless comfort look to them that just screams "SUMMERTIME!!!!!" I am currently coveting the canvas ones in ash gray.

The Black Apple Books Print

I know I've written about The Black Apple Etsy store before. I would buy every single one of their prints and love each of them dearly. Lately, my favorite print has been this one about books. Wouldn't it be lovely in my classroom?

e.e. cummings

"The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful."


i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh . . . . And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you quite so new

Kelly Cutrone

Always the sucker for reality shows on BravoTV, I got hooked on her recent show because of the name: Kell on Earth. [NOTE: If ever I were going to be in a roller derby league, this would have to be my name.] In all seriousness, she is one badass bitch. She is a fashion publicist who has no qualms saying what she means; She handles business like no other and still has this rocker vibe. I am teetering on the idea of ordering her book, If You Have to Cry Go Outside: and Other Things Your Mother Never Told You. Who am I kidding? I'm ordering it now.

Celebrity Playlist Podcast

This podcast, usually about 20-30 minutes in length, features different celebrities who talk about which songs influence them. Most of the time, the celebrities are musicians (recent listens were She & Him, Mick Fleetwood, and Lady Gaga), and sometimes they have actors (Clint Eastwood's) and public figures (Perez Hilton). I love listening to this when I'm walking. It is short enough to be engaging and long enough to be informative. Love it!

Jim Burke's Blog

I feel giddy inside when he posts a new blog. Many writers have insightful things to say about teaching English; however, I always take something practical away from reading what he's written. He inspires me to be better without seeming arrogant. I was also excited to find out that he's the keynote speaker at the Alabama Council of Teachers of English Conference this October in Birmingham. Can't wait!

Hi friends! Long time, no post. Here are the basics:

1. It's that time of year again where I freak out about job security. Will the powers that be pass the education budget and save my job? Or, will they not pass it, lay off teachers, and raise the divisors so that there are +/-40 students in a class? Case is pending.

I really REALLY hope Blaine and I both have jobs next year. This is Blaine's tenure year, and if he gets that, we can finally put down roots here and (hopefully) make our lives in Tusky seem a little more permanent. I have been eying houses and dreaming of flower gardens.

2. I volunteered to be the cheer sponsor at the new school I applied for in the case that I have a job next year (see number one). Little did I know, it is a reallyfreakinghuge time commitment. The good news is that it's fun and I really love the girls who will be on the squad. They seem excited to start it up, and so am I.

3. I absolutely love Spring. I want to be outside all day in the sunshine, swinging in swings and jumping on trampolines. Outdoor adventures to date: a. Thanksbirthmas celebration at Lisa's complete with water balloons, bubble machines, babies galore and delicious grilling and b. egg toss competition Easter Sunday (since there are no babies to hunt eggs)... GUESS WHO WAS THE CHAMPION?

Who wants to have a patio party?

4. Wedding season is fast approaching. I am so excited to see two of my favorite couples tie the proverbial knot in May and June. I'm looking forward to bachelorette shenanigans (at the beach - woo!), mushy ceremonies that make me teary, and gossipy girltalk at showers.