I am so happy it is finally (almost) the weekend. With spring break being so late this year (third week in April - really?!), the kids are going stir crazy, and so am I. I don't know which one is the bigger problem. Even though I teach high school, I've seriously had to have the "keep your hands to yourself" conversation with students three times in the past week.
- For some reason, B and I have decided that Friday is evermore the day we eat Mcdonald's for supper. Healthy? No. Can't wait for supper? No doubt.
-Hopefully, we will get our tax return back soon. Even though we have to pay the state of Alabama $1,000, a fried ham, and our first born child, we will still end up getting a pretty hefty sum from the federal government. I am pumped! I have already spent some of it on a shopping trip for seester's birthday (oops), but I think I'm going to put the rest in a trip fund for summertime. Any suggestions on where we should go?
-I watched the movie "W." last night. It was strange... I don't know how to describe it. When people said G.W. was an alcoholic, I thought they were saying it jokingly and that he really just partied a lot in college. I had no idea he was a legitimate alcoholic. Strange. I also wonder how much of the movie was historically accurate and how much was just dramatization. Odd choice casting Josh Brolin, too. I still can't figure that one out.
-Some of you already know that I am trying to start my own business. Basically, I love to paint/make cute stuff, and I thought I might as well try to make it something I can do on a regular basis. My plan is to paint up some samples from now until summertime, and then focus on getting a website going during the summer. Anyways, I finished my first painting for a precious little girl named Allison:

If I start now, it will put me on the right track to reaching my lifelong dream of owning a cute stuff store. I plan to do that after I retire, circa age 47. I already have a business partner! (Hi, Jess.) Any name suggestions/general suggestions for the cute stuff store would be great!
Lindsey said...
this post was so nice and upbeat and made me happy.
southern daze said...
I agree that Josh Brolin was an odd choice for W but I was sold the day I worked as an extra on the film. It was the day they shot him doing the State of the Union address and watching him film that gave me goosebumps. I thought he nailed his mannerisms and speech pattern. While I didn't get much screen time, I'm happy to report that I did make the movie. Truthfully, that was just icing on the cake after being in close proximity with the great Oliver Stone :-)
Stevie said...
i LOVE LOVE LOVE your painting! of course i have no name suggestions due to my extreme lack of creativity.
Anonymous said...
Whoop whoop! Can we name the store "The cute stuff store"? -Jess