I have a serious problem with oversharing. As they say in Mean Girls, I have “word vomit” A. LOT. I like to talk about things, and when I get going, I forget to turn on the censor, especially if I am comfortable with the person I am talking to. I will feel fine for that conversation, but then a couple of days later, I will think to myself, “Why did I say that?” or “Why did I tell him/her that?” Consider this a clean slate. Everyone is hereby on need-to-know basis.
I like that I can clear my head while I am exercising. The problem is the reason my head is cleared is because I’m focusing on how much I am hurting and sweaty and hyperventilating and uncomfortable. In order for me to begin to enjoy exercise, I’m going to need one of the following people to be my personal trainer (in rank order):

hales said...
mmmmmm McSteamy drooooooool.....
Lindsey said...
I would like to align myself with both of your goals. I, too, feel like I have an over-sharing problem. and I also hate exercising. we should get together for a five mile jog and not talk about anything!