So far this summer, I have...
1. books I had put in my procrastination pile. I made a list of all the ones I have read and the ones I want to read. When summer is over, I'm going to do a book review type blog. I have already started!
So far, this is my list:
Angels and Demons – Dan Brown (done read it)
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult (been there, read that)
Goodnight Nobody – Jennifer Weiner (sooo last week)
House of Sand and Fog – Andre Dubus (reading now)
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison (reading now)
Jesus Camp – Julia Scheeres (on deck)
Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert (in the hole)
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger (will read when the library gets it in)
Any suggestions?
2. ...watched a ridiculous amount of reality television. Mindless? Yes. Can't wait for the next episodes? Ohh yesss....
Weird foot fetish guy on The Bachelorette, Tanner P. really digs a girl with straight toes painted with Mango Mango nail polish. I am not making this up, people!

Sebastian's hair on NYC Prep...

This hair should be listed as a character on its own. Every time he flips his hair, God kills a baby kitten.
Finally, the Real Housewives of New Jersey kept me laughing the whole time. Favorite cast member: Jaqueline, of course. I think she is my New Jersey counterpart, with much bigger boobs.

3. ...worked out more than usual. I am most proud of myself for discovering group exercise classes at the gym that don't make me want to run screaming in the other direction. For the past two weeks (and I guess a half week now), I have worked out/done something athletic from Monday through Saturday. I am trying to vary what I'm doing so that I don't get bored or burnt out. So far, I have tried step (love), body pump (also love), walking, elliptical, and stair stepper. One day, I am going to work up the courage to go to yoga and not be awkward. One of these days!
1. books I had put in my procrastination pile. I made a list of all the ones I have read and the ones I want to read. When summer is over, I'm going to do a book review type blog. I have already started!
So far, this is my list:
Angels and Demons – Dan Brown (done read it)
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult (been there, read that)
Goodnight Nobody – Jennifer Weiner (sooo last week)
House of Sand and Fog – Andre Dubus (reading now)
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison (reading now)
Jesus Camp – Julia Scheeres (on deck)
Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert (in the hole)
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger (will read when the library gets it in)
Any suggestions?
2. ...watched a ridiculous amount of reality television. Mindless? Yes. Can't wait for the next episodes? Ohh yesss....
Weird foot fetish guy on The Bachelorette, Tanner P. really digs a girl with straight toes painted with Mango Mango nail polish. I am not making this up, people!

Sebastian's hair on NYC Prep...

This hair should be listed as a character on its own. Every time he flips his hair, God kills a baby kitten.
Finally, the Real Housewives of New Jersey kept me laughing the whole time. Favorite cast member: Jaqueline, of course. I think she is my New Jersey counterpart, with much bigger boobs.

3. ...worked out more than usual. I am most proud of myself for discovering group exercise classes at the gym that don't make me want to run screaming in the other direction. For the past two weeks (and I guess a half week now), I have worked out/done something athletic from Monday through Saturday. I am trying to vary what I'm doing so that I don't get bored or burnt out. So far, I have tried step (love), body pump (also love), walking, elliptical, and stair stepper. One day, I am going to work up the courage to go to yoga and not be awkward. One of these days!
hales said...
I have somehow missed your last three blogs :(
That is totally Ross Allen's hair and you know it!!!
also- do you like House of Sand and Fog?
Lindsey said...
what do you think of House of Sand and Fog? I read about two pages of it awhile back and then forgot to finish it!
Mack said...
If only we lived in the same place, because we commonly think the exACT same thoughts (though yours much more articulate). I love reading your blog, I admit. I laugh; I sigh; I contemplate (my favorite things to do, you must know). This post in particular urges me to respond because I share the same sentiments when it comes to [your list] and your so-called "inadequacies," which I feel you call them so only because you are so self-sacrificing and overly-analytical. I don't mean to criticize, but you are FAR from inadequate, my dear. If you looked at all the amazing and sensational things you ARE and DO, you would understand by how many lengths that list outweighs. Growing pains are confusing and down-right cruel, but you are a gem. I don't only mean it; I know it to be true. Know the ones that love you know you feel the same. Let others go, if they so choose to be let go. If it's ONE thing I've learned by surviving my first year (praise the Lord, or whomever), it's that NO ONE that doesn't teach could EVER understand. Period. Take it from a girl who moved ten+ hours from every friend and memory to find a life and job of her own--the TRUE friends remain, and there is always room for another, if he/she is lucky enough. I really wish you and I were in closer quarters. Know that, however crazy it sounds, you are in my heart and thoughts. I am your blog stalker! :) And I send clarity, peace, and love your way.
Kelly said...
Aww, Mackensie! Thank you so much for saying those things. I have always thought you and I were kindred spirits. You can stalk/read my blog anytime! I know I can get melodramatic, but I am hoping I will figure it out in the long run.
We should get some sort of joint project together with our classes one semester when we get more settled in. Possibly something online like a joint blog or have our kids peer edit for each other? Could be fun!