Our cat is ridiculously spoiled. I was on the computer about an hour ago, trying to waste enough time to be sleepy, when little miss priss jumps in my lap, onto the computer desk, and plops herself down directly on top of the keyboard. She then begins to give herself a bath. The sad thing is that I didn't make her move... I just got up and started to do something else before I thought, "You know what, that cat just dealt with me." I sure do love her though!
I have compiled a list of her nicknames, which should say something about our obsession:
Pit Pat
Pitter Pat
Pitter Pat Kitter Cat
Pitter Patter Kitter Catter
Squirrel Tail
Fluffin Muffin (ok some of them don't even make sense)
Hitler (because of the moustanch and sometimes the temperament)
Chrismas Kitty
Special Kitty
More to come, I'm sure!

I have compiled a list of her nicknames, which should say something about our obsession:
Pit Pat
Pitter Pat
Pitter Pat Kitter Cat
Pitter Patter Kitter Catter
Squirrel Tail
Fluffin Muffin (ok some of them don't even make sense)
Hitler (because of the moustanch and sometimes the temperament)
Chrismas Kitty
Special Kitty
More to come, I'm sure!

Kristen said...
we have one of those also. can't help but spoil them. i mean that is why we have them!
Meghan said...
i like to call her pipee baby
Blaine said...
You forgot to mention the game we play where we go back and forth with the stupid nicknames:
"I like to call her 'Socks'!"
"I like to call her 'Fancy Pants'!"
hales said...
Pitter is le awesome! if only she would be nice to her cousin.
Lindsey said...
I think Special Kitty is my favorite
Blaine said...
What's really cool is when you buy the Special Kitty cat food and you can yell to her, "You want some Special Kitty, Special Kitty?"