I must say that this past week has been one of the best weeks of my summer. Blaine's brother asked if we wanted to come stay with them at the beach. Ok, being honest, we sort of hinted around until they said "ok, come."
We had the best time! We played in the ocean, swam in the pools, got tanned but not burned, ate a bunch of yummy food, rode in a helicopter, saw a movie, laughed, and spent some time relaxing and being goofy.

It was great. After that, I feel ready to start turning my mind to teaching and preparing for the upcoming semester. We got a letter in the mail telling us our schedules for next year, and this is mine:
1st Semester:
1st Block - Prep
2nd Block - Adv English 9
3rd Block - Adv English 9
4th Block - English 10
2nd Semester:
1st Block - English 10
2nd Block - Prep
3rd Block - Adv English 10
4th Block - Adv English 10
I am completely stoked! I requested to have some 10th grade classes, and I got them! Although I'm not crazy about the literature in 10th grade, that is my favorite age of students. They have been in high school for a year, so they know what is expected of them, but they are not old enough yet to have the "too cool for you" attitude. Also, that is the year most of them get their driver's licenses, and you can really see them begin to mature.
I am going to really try to find a way to present the literature of 10th grade (American Lit to 1900) in an interesting way. Can it be done? What are your favorite American works/authors before 1900?
I would also like to work up a way to have a class blog or wiki this year. I may do it as a place for class announcements and/or ongoing response medium or else just use it when we write longer pieces. They could use it to peer edit or see other students' work. Any suggestions?
Things I am NOT doing this year that I did last year:
-accepting late work
-putting up with attitudes
-skipping workouts/not being healthy
-bringing work/grading home
-getting in a funk towards the end of the semester
Lindsey said...
yay all around!