Angels and Demons – Dan Brown
I am a fool for conspiracy theory stories. I also like stories that are rooted in history and present a trite subject in new light for me. In this case, Robert Langdon uses his background in symbology to unearth clues left hundreds of years ago by The Illuminati, an ancient secret brotherhood which values science and loathes Catholicism. Langdon must follow the clues along the “path of illumination” before The Illuminati strike the Vatican. Science vs. religion topics nearly always intrigue me, as did this one. That being said, I thought Brown could have gotten his point across without so many twists and turns. Many characters were introduced briefly and underdeveloped. I did go see the movie, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The “filler” parts (unnecessary characters and subplots) of the book were left out in the film. While the movie will not win any awards (for sure), I thought the film adaptation of the story was much more user friendly.
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult
You know that feeling of exhilaration you got as a child when you awoke on Christmas morning? Reading this book gave me the exact opposite of that feeling. While the storyline is intriguing, [the parents of a child with cancer (Kate) genetically engineer a second child (Anna) to be a donor for Kate… drama ensues when Anna matures and decides to sue for medical emancipation of her body] there were some major flaws in this tear-jerker. For example, the character of Jesse, Anna and Kate’s rebellious older brother, seemed completely unrelated to the plot and did not add anything. I would have also liked to see the relationship between the parents explored more in-depth. Examining their discrepancies over what was best for their daughters could have helped increase the dramatic build up, but what the reader knew about them was on the surface. Overall, I thought the premise was interesting enough to keep me reading; However, I mostly just got depressed.
Goodnight Nobody – Jennifer Weiner
This was a typical “I am feeling hormonal and want to read something that will get my mind off of my life for a few minutes” book. In Goodnight Nobody, Kate Klein gives up her life and career in the city for the suburbs of Connecticut, an absent, boring husband, and kids I was never completely convinced she liked. Throughout the book, she struggles with accepting her new life when she has not left her old one behind. When a woman on her block, Kitty Cavanaugh, goes missing (dun dun DUN!), Kate swiftly appeases her boredom by taking the case. This book was an easy read and somewhat predictable. I did enjoy the parts where the Kate discussed the dynamics of work vs. home life. I also liked her humorous descriptions of the other suburban housewives/mothers/drones. Overall, Kate’s midlife crises helped me escape my quarter-life crises :)
House of Sand and Fog – Andre Dubus
This was easily my favorite read of the summer. Many thanks to Hayley for recommending it. In House of Sand and Fog, Andre Dubus tells the story of Kathy and Behrani, two characters from very different backgrounds who both have a legitimate claim to a piece of property. I do not want to say too much, because I do not want to give it away; However, Dubus takes this simplistic conflict and makes it explosive. He does a fabulous job of developing each character and allowing the reader to get inside the heads of all the major players. The characters were so relatable that I had a hard time figuring out who to cheer on and who to condemn. I still do not know whom, if anyone, I favored/disliked. I took my time with this one, and I have been thinking about it ever since.
Books I started reading but have not finished yet:
The Bluest Eye – Toni Morrison (I love her books, but I have to be in a specific mood to read them. I would like to teach this to my advanced ninth graders this semester, but we will have to see.)
Jesus Land – Julia Scheeres (This one is in progress, and it is very interesting so far. Excerpt: “On the horizon, heat lightning dances along a column of towering thunderheads. The air is suddenly sweet and cool, refresing. It’s perfect weather for a tornado.” OOOOoooOOOOoOooOOOoo
Books I want to read when I finish the above stragglers:
The Time Traveler’s Wife – Audrey Niffeneggar: I saw someone on facebook recommend it to someone else. Could be good?

Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert: I have been meaning to read this for the past year. Why can’t I get motivated?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – J.K. Rowling: I saw the Half-Blood Prince movie and was sucked back in. I want to re-read this one to remember all the things that happen.

My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult

Goodnight Nobody – Jennifer Weiner

House of Sand and Fog – Andre Dubus

Books I started reading but have not finished yet:

Books I want to read when I finish the above stragglers:

Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert: I have been meaning to read this for the past year. Why can’t I get motivated?

Blaine said...
I should get you to review the books that I've read this summer, too!
Kelly said...
We should make it a point to read through the school year, too. I just have to force myself to when I'm le tired
Blaine said...
I do read through the school year. Last year, I read about the same amount as I did this summer, though not quite as much.
hales said...
Keep doing this! I like it! I'm glad you enjoyed House of Sand and Fog. At some point when I am off spending restriction, I'm going to buy the sequel to it, Garden of Last Days. I started Sula last night. And I want to read Time Traveler's Wife and Eat Pray Love too. Love you!
stevie said...
I do like this - a lot. Although, when I read books, I don't think about it like you do :)
I read My Sister's Keeper recently and haven't cried so much while reading the book. You make a good point about the parents - their personal battles with what to do weren't very detailed.
I am about to start reading The Time Traveler's Wife. I'll keep you updated. Never heard of Eat Pray Love, but I'll look it up :)