Since today is the last school day before Valentine's Day, I had the kids make Valetine's cards with haiku poems in them. They were able to choose the recipient and create a haiku with any tone they liked (funny, serious, loving, etc.)
They REALLY liked it; they generally like anything that allows them to use crayons. (Side note: So do I. I guess you never really grow out of that.) Anyway, I was impressed at what they came up with. Some of them did an outstanding job, and (nearly) all of them knew what a haiku was by the time they left. Right before the bell, I reminded them to give their cards to their Valentines. One little boy came up to me and had made me a card (sweet!). This was the haiku inside:
"Happy Valentines
Come to the movies with me
Don't tell your husband"
Lindsey said...
Lindsey said...
okay, I just had to come back and read this one again; it was so entertaining to me the first time!
Anonymous said...
hahaha that is hilarious! i love it!