After I win the HGTV Dream Home and then have to sell it because I cannot afford the taxes, I plan to buy the following things:
-an easel and loads of art supplies to start my “cute-stuff business” (let me know if you have suggestions for business names)

-someone to whip me into shape ----> preferably, a female personal trainer who has never, ever painted her nails

(I will also need this to go with my personal trainer.)
-complete Fiestaware set in Cobalt Blue

-a steel guitar for my hubby to play with
-a Kitchenaid stand mixer (in red)
-this adorable denim dress from Ann Taylor. While I am at it, I will buy one of each item in the store that I always love but can never afford

-bedroom furniture from the Pottery Barn Farmhouse Collection (all pieces in antique honey)

-“No Fear Shakespeare” class sets for Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, and Hamlet
-a never-ending supply of Vera Wang Princess perfume

-Yamaha PSR-295 keyboard stand and bench
-all kinds of sheet music
-Sopranos Series Box Set

-everything associated with this home movie theater:

-an easel and loads of art supplies to start my “cute-stuff business” (let me know if you have suggestions for business names)

-someone to whip me into shape ----> preferably, a female personal trainer who has never, ever painted her nails

(I will also need this to go with my personal trainer.)
-complete Fiestaware set in Cobalt Blue

-a steel guitar for my hubby to play with
-a Kitchenaid stand mixer (in red)

-bedroom furniture from the Pottery Barn Farmhouse Collection (all pieces in antique honey)

-“No Fear Shakespeare” class sets for Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, and Hamlet
-a never-ending supply of Vera Wang Princess perfume

-Yamaha PSR-295 keyboard stand and bench
-all kinds of sheet music
-Sopranos Series Box Set

-everything associated with this home movie theater:

Lindsey said...
will you teach me how to make my blog pretty like yours? I went to that place, but it thoroughly confused me...
hales said...
your new layout is confusing me, because the comments for each post are at the top not the bottom. I keep trying to comment on the wrong one.
Anyway, you could share your cute stuff store with mom's chair store. She's planning on calling hers "Have a Seat." :) :) :)
also. Pottery Barn and Ann Taylor are ridiculously expensive.
Lindsey said...
I love playing the "What would I do if I won?" game! So much fun! Enjoyed your post.
I hope you are having a great first year teaching!
Anonymous said...
I will let you have my Vera Wang Princess! Chance is my fragrance addiction. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's in Tuscaloosa. So go get it.