This is a little game going around the blog world, so here goes. Basically, I chose the letter ‘S’, so I need to name 10 things I love that begin with that letter and explain why I love them.
1. Stacy London - It took me a while to warm up to Stacy. At first, I thought she was harsh and even rude. But now, I love her; she has just enough sass and sarcasm to make me giggle. I recently found out that she owns over 300 pairs of shoes. Shut up! Many days, I find myself "channelling my inner Stacy" (as they say).

stability - I love it when things are stable. When I was younger, a doctor told me that I had "problems adjusting to change." Tell me about it! This year has been more unstable than ever with economical issues and job layoffs and transitioning into married life.

3. Sopranos - Even though Tony is the loudest breather in the history of the world, I cannot get over how awesome this series was. I didn't watch it when it was on the tele for the first run, but I recently watched the whole series on DVD and loved every minute of it. I got attached to the characters and truly did not know what was coming next. My favorite things Soprano: Adriana's wardrobe, Carmella's strength, Christopher (period), Sylvio's hair, and Jenny Sack's mole (a little joke for all you Sopranos fans).

4. Simon (not Garfunkel) - "The Only Living Boy in New York", "Cecilia", and "Homeward Bound" top my list of favorite S&G songs. I like his solo stuff, too, but admittedly not as much. I'm a sucker for the harmonies.

5. seester - My sister is the best in the history of sisters. She is smart, supportive, witty, and loving. I love her!

6. school - Even though I have bad days at work sometimes, I really do beleive that public education is a good thing. My reasons don't have much to do with the content or the graduation exams and definitely not the bureacracy. It makes me very happy to know that every day we are giving kids the opportunity to develop intellectually and socially. (NOTE: I would also like to be a professional student. I'm just saying.)

7. South Park - Respect my authority.

8. Stevie Nicks - I watched this Behind the Music special on the making of Rumours, and they did this thing on "Gold Dust Woman" where they stripped everything away except for Stevie Nicks's background part. It was the creepiest thing I have ever heard; it sounded a lot like the parts in The Exorcist where the demon is intelligible. I love Stevie's goat-like voice, though.

9. salsa (the food, not the dance) - Chips y salsa is my favorite meal. It was a tight race between salsa and all foods Italian, but there was a clear winner. Yum.

10. snuggling - FIRST PLACE: Piper - SECOND PLACE: Blaine

Honorable mentions: Springsteen, Scrubs, skittles, skinny jeans, Saturdays, and sweets
1. Stacy London - It took me a while to warm up to Stacy. At first, I thought she was harsh and even rude. But now, I love her; she has just enough sass and sarcasm to make me giggle. I recently found out that she owns over 300 pairs of shoes. Shut up! Many days, I find myself "channelling my inner Stacy" (as they say).

stability - I love it when things are stable. When I was younger, a doctor told me that I had "problems adjusting to change." Tell me about it! This year has been more unstable than ever with economical issues and job layoffs and transitioning into married life.

3. Sopranos - Even though Tony is the loudest breather in the history of the world, I cannot get over how awesome this series was. I didn't watch it when it was on the tele for the first run, but I recently watched the whole series on DVD and loved every minute of it. I got attached to the characters and truly did not know what was coming next. My favorite things Soprano: Adriana's wardrobe, Carmella's strength, Christopher (period), Sylvio's hair, and Jenny Sack's mole (a little joke for all you Sopranos fans).

4. Simon (not Garfunkel) - "The Only Living Boy in New York", "Cecilia", and "Homeward Bound" top my list of favorite S&G songs. I like his solo stuff, too, but admittedly not as much. I'm a sucker for the harmonies.

5. seester - My sister is the best in the history of sisters. She is smart, supportive, witty, and loving. I love her!

6. school - Even though I have bad days at work sometimes, I really do beleive that public education is a good thing. My reasons don't have much to do with the content or the graduation exams and definitely not the bureacracy. It makes me very happy to know that every day we are giving kids the opportunity to develop intellectually and socially. (NOTE: I would also like to be a professional student. I'm just saying.)

7. South Park - Respect my authority.

8. Stevie Nicks - I watched this Behind the Music special on the making of Rumours, and they did this thing on "Gold Dust Woman" where they stripped everything away except for Stevie Nicks's background part. It was the creepiest thing I have ever heard; it sounded a lot like the parts in The Exorcist where the demon is intelligible. I love Stevie's goat-like voice, though.
9. salsa (the food, not the dance) - Chips y salsa is my favorite meal. It was a tight race between salsa and all foods Italian, but there was a clear winner. Yum.

10. snuggling - FIRST PLACE: Piper - SECOND PLACE: Blaine

Honorable mentions: Springsteen, Scrubs, skittles, skinny jeans, Saturdays, and sweets
hales said...
super! I love you too!
Blaine said...
Haha, this was great and well written.
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you BELEIVE public education is a good thing. but I have watched enough television to know that it's I before E except after Zeigler. come on now Kelly!
thank you for inviting me back into the blogosphere.
Anonymous said...
i always love reading things you've written!