-Yesterday, I had my very first cavity filled. It wasn’t that bad, except afterward my face felt like it was melting off (funny) and when I talked I sounded like I had a speech impediment (not funny).
-Yesterday was also Piper Mortimer Duncan’s first birthday. Since I am a bad catmother, I completely forgot until I was in bed about to go to sleep. We decided to let her stay in there with us for the night (it was her birthday, after all) until she started attacking our hands and feet. Before you start feeling sorry for her, I do not think she realized it was a special day; she doesn’t speak English, after all.

-A couple of girls from work asked me to start walking with them sometimes. I am so excited! It made me feel good and included in the work crowd.
-A friend gave me some back issues of Time magazine, and I have been slowly catching up. According to Time’s article “CT Scans: Just How Safe Are They?”, new medical research says that CT scans can expose you to large amounts of radiation (45 millisieverts – the typical chest x-ray delivers .02 millisieverts) and can actually make malignancies worse. Another article (“Gardasil: Vaccine Battle?”) says Gardasil may cause side effects, including seizures, fainting, and even death. HOWEVER (on both the CT scan and the Gardasil front), McSister (my sister doctor) checked medical journals and we are in fact going to live even if we’ve had a CT scan and the Gardasil shot. You can rest easily.
-Tomorrow = last working day of the month = pay day! WOO HOO!
-Yesterday was also Piper Mortimer Duncan’s first birthday. Since I am a bad catmother, I completely forgot until I was in bed about to go to sleep. We decided to let her stay in there with us for the night (it was her birthday, after all) until she started attacking our hands and feet. Before you start feeling sorry for her, I do not think she realized it was a special day; she doesn’t speak English, after all.

-A couple of girls from work asked me to start walking with them sometimes. I am so excited! It made me feel good and included in the work crowd.
-A friend gave me some back issues of Time magazine, and I have been slowly catching up. According to Time’s article “CT Scans: Just How Safe Are They?”, new medical research says that CT scans can expose you to large amounts of radiation (45 millisieverts – the typical chest x-ray delivers .02 millisieverts) and can actually make malignancies worse. Another article (“Gardasil: Vaccine Battle?”) says Gardasil may cause side effects, including seizures, fainting, and even death. HOWEVER (on both the CT scan and the Gardasil front), McSister (my sister doctor) checked medical journals and we are in fact going to live even if we’ve had a CT scan and the Gardasil shot. You can rest easily.
-Tomorrow = last working day of the month = pay day! WOO HOO!
hales said...
McSister??? oh well, I guess I've been called worse.
good thing Piper doesn't speak English- If she did, she would be really upset at your choice of middle names for her!
Kelly said...
Mortimer = Class
Lindsey said...
Whew! Mary Margaret had a Cat Scan when she was 2. She had Guillain Barre and apparently the docs HAD to do a Cat Scan. I can't even remember why. That is all such a blur. I still worry about the excess radiation, but I'm a WORRIER! I worry incessantly!
Blaine said...
Kelly said...
B - I married you for your class
Blaine said...
It's PIper!
hales said...
Lindsey - I will send you the info I found on CT scans if you want. I promise the benefits outweigh the risks!